Like any medical intervention, the 10 pass ozone treatment method is not completely without risk. There are certain side effects that may occur during or after treatment. The common side effects during a 10-pass can be divided into 2 distinct groups:
1. Side effects resulting from heparin, the drug, which is needed, to prevent blood clots from forming during treatment.
2. Side effects due to the ozone treatment itself.
1. Side effects of Heparin
Due to the fact that the blood is mixed with the Ozone outside the body, it is necessary to use an anticoagulant. For a 10-pass treatment, we use 7,500 IU of heparin.
Heparin is a relatively safe drug. Side effects are virtually nonexistent, but not impossible.
A possible, but rare, side effect of heparin is bleeding. As a precaution, after treatment with Ozone and before you leave the BeterKliniek, you will be given a bracelet on your wrist that shows the amount of heparin administered during the treatment and the time it was administered. After 24 hours you may cut the bracelet and throw it away.
Side effects observed after 10 pass Ozone treatment due to heparin:
- Brown urine: this is almost always due to the dissolution of blood clots or a small hemorrhage in the urinary tract. It is almost always benign and disappears on its own.
- Symptoms resulting from an allergic reaction to heparin such as itching, rash, swelling, shortness of breath, headache, weakness, dizziness, chills, feeling cold, tingling or itching - especially of the extremities.
Side effects generally disappear within 24 hours. If you are worried for any reason, please contact the registered nurse.
Contraindications of Heparin
Heparin should not be administered if you:
- Allergic to heparin or any of the ingredients
- has thrombocytopenia (decreased number of platelets in your blood)
- Have a clotting disorder, or use blood thinners
- In your period of your period is
- Suffers from poor kidney or liver function
- Bent diagnosed with a peptic ulcer,
Interactions with other drugs
Heparin may interact with a number of medicines. Your practitioner must be informed if you are taking other blood thinners, aspirin, NSAIDs, antithrombins and a range of other medications. ALWAYS report this to the nurse
2. Side effects resulting from ozone therapy:
* After the first 12 hours of treatment, prolonged bleeding may occur. Therefore, it is not suggested to exercise or do any activities that are prone to accidents.
Plus, it is not recommended to perform this treatment before any planned surgery by at least 2 days. Wounds must be dressed reasonably tight around the infusion site for at least 3 hours.
* A detox reaction (detoxification): it can range from pain in places where there was no pain before to feeling rash or extremely tired, as well as many other symptoms. Any detox reaction that occurs during other ozone treatments can also be experienced during or after a 10-pass, but much more intense.
- The quality of the veins. The 10-pass method requires a relatively thick 18-g needle. Because hyperbaric pressure is applied to the vein, the patient must have at least one good vein to undergo the infusion. Not every patient is properly equipped, in which case it is sometimes not possible to perform the treatment at all.
- Damaged veins: even patients with strong veins may face the possibility that the increased pressure will become too much over time. This situation can result in a ruptured or "blown" vein with resulting local bleeding. A "blown" vein is not life-threatening. In most cases, it heals without any problems.
* After the treatment, the patients may feel flash or may experience slight irritation under the skin due to the response of the ozone that affects the expansion of blood vessels
- Effect on Lungs: the application of any type of injection involving oxygen can lead to the feeling of heavy lungs, difficulty breathing or pain in the lungs. This is likely due to oxygen bubbles. Oxygen takes some time to be absorbed by red blood cells. It is not an immediate process. Because larger amounts of ozone and oxygen are mixed with the blood during a 10 pass, the patient may experience that typical chest sensation. When this happens, the procedure must be aborted. The administration of larger amounts of vitamin C is generally a good antidote and provides rapid relief.
-Commonly, hyperbaric ozone therapy may result in a brief period of tiredness immediately following the procedure, typically lasting just a few hours. There could also be mild discomfort at the site of injection. A few individuals may encounter minor lung irritations or experience a slight headache.
* In some cases, patients may also experience fever because the immune system is stimulated. The body
cells get ready to eliminate or fight the triggered temperature will commonly increase as the white blood "infection".